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How to buy Shiba Inu (SHIB) on Binance?
After the introductory articles on Shiba Inu (SHIB) and the general overview of how to invest and buy it, now we will cover how to buy the popular crypto currency on Binance.
How to buy Shiba Inu (SHIB) with Credit/Debit Card?
One of the simplest methods to acquire fresh tokens is to use a credit/debit card. Most exchanges will accept this as one of their means of payment but there are restrictions for some countries.
Binance, one of the world’s most popular crypto trading exchanges, allows traders from most countries to deposit fiat money via a credit/debit card into their accounts. Once the fiat has been deposited, traders may then decide whether to purchase real SHIB coins or to speculate on SHIB prices via futures. Keep in mind that usually there is a fee which is paid to the card payment processor for the transaction which is 1.8% of the amount which you deposit. Usually the bank transfer option to deposit doesn’t have fees but this again depends on the country and the bank which you use.
Besides the spread (the difference between the buy and the sell price) and exchange trading fees, you will not bear any additional fee when buying or selling crypto on Binance. A big advantage to using a card as a deposit method is that your deposit is instantaneous and the money is reflected instantly in your Binance account.
How to purchase Shiba Inu using PayPal
Another simple way to pay for your SHIB tokens is PayPal. In most brokers/exchanges, it is typically the second choice. For most countries in the globe, Binance enables this choice, and the list of exclusions is published on the website.
Four basic currencies are supported by PayPal payments: USD, GBP, EUR and AUD. The maximum deposit limit is $10,000 and customers may withdraw their money using the same way. Users must have an active PayPal account with a credit/debit card connected to it or the balance of their account in order to utilize PayPal.
You will not suffer additional costs, as is the case with credit and debit card payments, unless you use another currency. Furthermore, payments are typically instantaneous and the amount is instantly reflected in your account.
How to purchase SHIB via eWallets (Skrill, Neteller)
This option, like PayPal, does not incur additional costs and is also an immediate transaction. Some nations including the UK, Norway, the Netherlands and France are quickly transferred.
Only USD, EUR and GBP are supported by Skrill and Neteller. You must register for an account on any of the platforms before you can begin to use it. Both methods have a deposit maximum of $10,000.
How to purchase Shiba Inu through bank transfers
Bank wire transfers take a little longer than any other technique. Transactions take about 4-7 days to reflect your account and the USD, GBP and AUD method are supported. To speed things up, make sure that you deposit money as your bank account in the same currency.You can check our review of Binance here: